Worship with us this World Communion Sunday

Worship with us this World Communion Sunday

Join us at 10:30 in the sanctuary or click here to join us by Zoom as we celebrate World Communion Sunday and continue our fall theme, “Renewing the Journey.” Rev. Laura Johnson and Sandy Sorensen will serve as our scripture readers with focus texts from Exodus 17:1-7 (water from rock) and Philippians 2:1-13 (name above all names). Rev. Amanda will preach the sermon. The First...

Worship with us this Sunday

Worship with us this Sunday

Join us at 10:30 in the sanctuary or click here to join us by Zoom for Sunday worship. Hannah Long-Higgins will call us to worship by reflecting on our fall theme, “Renewing the Journey.” Rev. Sam will gather our children for a message. Alisa Tanaka-Dodge and Peter Byrne will serve as our scripture readers with...

World Communion Sunday: October 1

World Communion Sunday: October 1

Join us October 1st for a special worship service as we mark World Communion Sunday with bread from around the globe. The Worship Commission welcomes your gifts of time and talent in bringing breads that represent the wider world and may honor a place close to your heart. For example, tortillas (Honduras), naan (India), banana bread...

Inquirer’s Gathering: September 24

Inquirer’s Gathering: September 24

Save the date of September 24, following worship, to join Rev. Amanda, church leadership, members of our Outreach & Membership Commission, and newcomers for our autumn Inquirer’s Gathering. This will be a time of getting to know one another, sharing stories, exploring the history of First Church and the UCC, and answering any questions about membership....

Worship with us this Sunday

Worship with us this Sunday

Join us at 10:30 in the sanctuary or click here to join us by Zoom this Sunday as we continue our fall theme, “Renewing the Journey.” Rev. Amanda will call us to worship with an invocation. Rev. Sam will gather our children for a message. Andrew Hamilton and Brendan McFerran will serve as our scripture readers with...

Living Your Calling: A Nurture on Vocation, September 17

Living Your Calling: A Nurture on Vocation, September 17

The United Church of Christ tells us often that God is always listening–to our joys, our worries, and what is in our hearts. It is in this spirit that we are excited to explore the idea of vocation – a sacred term describing how we strive to live our lives by listening to God. On...

Worship with us this Homecoming Sunday

Worship with us this Homecoming Sunday

Join us at 10:30 in the sanctuary or click here to join us by Zoom this Homecoming Sunday as we kick-off a new year of Sunday school for our children and youth, celebrate the return of the choir, and enjoy a potluck community meal following worship. The Gabrieli Brass Quintet will provide special music. Sandy Sorensen will call...

Homecoming Sunday: September 10

Homecoming Sunday: September 10

Join us on September 10th for Homecoming Sunday as we kick off a new year of Sunday school for our children and youth, celebrate the return of the choir, and enjoy a community potluck following worship. New faces, old friends, and longtime members are all invited to gather for one of the most celebratory services...

Worship with us this Labor Justice Sunday

Worship with us this Labor Justice Sunday

Join us at 10:30 in the sanctuary or click here to join us by Zoom this Sunday as we mark Labor Justice in the Pulpit and celebrate communion. Rev. Sam will offer the words of welcome, and Rev. Amanda will lead us in the prayer of confession and words of assurance. Our scripture texts will focus on...

Worship with us this Sunday

Worship with us this Sunday

Join us at 10:30 in the sanctuary or click here to join us by Zoom this Sunday. Austen Beaird will reflect on our summer theme “A New Thing” as a call to worship. Rev. Sam McFerran will lead the kids in the blessing of the backpacks; we encourage all school-aged children and youth to bring their backpacks...