Worship with Us this Communion Sunday

Worship with Us this Communion Sunday

Click here to join us by Zoom or click here to sign-up to join us in the sanctuary for worship this first Sunday in Lent as we celebrate communion. Meg Maguire and Dale Ostrander will serve as our Lenten candle liturgists. reflecting on our Lenten theme “the Breath of Life” and extinguishing the first Lenten candle as we...

Worship with Us this Sunday as Xavi Saudek is Baptized

Worship with Us this Sunday as Xavi Saudek is Baptized

Worship with Us this Sunday Click here to worship with us by Zoom this Sunday at 10:30 as we celebrate the baptism of Xavi Saudek. Lynaya Morris will lead the call to worship as we draw to a close our Black History Month theme, Howard Thurman’s “Sound of the Genuine.” The Rev. David Lindsey will serve...

Worship with Us this Sunday in the Sanctuary or by Zoom

Worship with Us this Sunday in the Sanctuary or by Zoom

  Click here to worship with us by Zoom this Sunday at 10:30 as we continue our Black History Month theme, Howard Thurman’s “Sound of the Genuine.” Peter Tracey will offer a moment for ministry as we look ahead toward our Lenten book circles. Polly Gordon and Rev. Laura Johnson will serve as our scripture readers...

Saturday’s Book Reading with Dr. Harrison

Saturday’s Book Reading with Dr. Harrison

An Evening with Dr. Renee Harrison: Saturday, Feb. 12 at 7:00 Click here to join us by Zoom this Saturday at 7:00 for an evening with Dr. Renee Harrison, author of Black Hands White House: Slave Labor and the Making of America. Dr. Harrison will read from her book and engage us in discussion about the revelations of her research on the role...

Worship with Us this Sunday

Worship with Us this Sunday

  Click here to worship with us by Zoom this Sunday at 10:30 as we continue our Black History Month theme, Howard Thurman’s “The Sound of the Genuine.” Emily Laing will lead the Call to Worship with a personal reflection. Moira Jones and Allison Truhlar will serve as our scripture readers with texts from 1 Kings...

Worship with Us this Communion Sunday

Worship with Us this Communion Sunday

Worship with us this Sunday Click here to worship with us by Zoom this Sunday at 10:30 as we launch our theme for Black History Month, “The Sound of the Genuine,” a concept authored by the late Howard Thurman. Peter Byrne will lead us in the call to worship. Rev. Sam will lead the prayer of...

Worship with Us this Sunday

Worship with Us this Sunday

Worship with Us this Sunday Click here to worship with us by Zoom this Sunday at 10:30. Youth who participated in the recent retreat in Richmond with Rev. Sam will lead us in the call to worship, prayer of confession, and words of assurance. Nora Marsh and Diane Brenneman will serve as our scripture readers with texts from...

Inquirer’s Gathering

Inquirer’s Gathering

Inquirers’ Gathering: February 13 Save the date of February 13, following worship, to join Rev. Amanda, Rev. Sam, Moderator Susan Anderson, members of our Outreach & Membership Commission, and newcomers for our winter Inquirer’s Gathering. This will be a time of getting to know one another, sharing stories, exploring the history of First Church and...

Afghan Refugees

Afghan Refugees

The Sanctuary Committee is thrilled to inform you that we are partnering with the Sikh Gurdwara community in Rockville, Maryland to sponsor an Afghan family through the Lutheran Social Services’ Good Neighbor Program (GNP). Through the GNP, we will be paired with an Afghan family and will set up an apartment with all of the...