Phase 3 Schedule (for Limited In-Person Worship)

We will continue“Phase 3” of our Regathering Plan through the summer.  During Phase 3, small groups (up to 25 persons) will be invited to attend worship in person to test our protocols and to begin the process of returning to regular worship at 10th and G.  Members of the following groups (and family unless noted otherwise) are invited to attend on the designated Sundays.  The Regathering Task Force may invite additional persons during Phase 3 on an ad hoc basis.  Questions?  Contact Kim Darling (, chair of the Regathering Task Force, or Moderator John Smeltzer (  For a copy of the regathering plan, click here,  For a copy of regathering FAQs, click here.

Worship services via Zoom will continue until further notice.

Phase 3 Schedule
July 4 Staff & Liturgists only
July 11 Outreach & Membership Commission
July 18 Care of Parish & Facilities Commissions
July 25 Social Action Commission & Sanctuary Group
August 1 Finance & CE Commissions
August 8 Anti-Racism Task Force
August 15 Young Adults
August 22 TBD
August 29 TBD